Chenny Aviana

Name:  Chenny Aviana
Location: Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
Occupation: Artist 
Media: Digital
Dream Projects: My dream projects would be collaborating with big brands (furnitures or apparel would be great!) and solo exhibition!

Chenny Aviana is a visual artist from Indonesia. Her illustration infused with colors that evoke a sense of joy, that (hopefully) can transport all of you to a realm of imagination. Feeling content, calm and hopeful, that’s what her illustration is all about.Besides working full-time graphic designer, she loves to develop wearable arts and trinkets for her own future brand. Also she loves to discover new music and pop cultures, watch movies, annoy her cats and yap about her hyperfixation with silly mini figurines.

“The Collector”
Digtal art

For the collector, each find is a journey back in time; a connection to the past that enriches the present with stories. Hence, she hoards everything, surround herself with memories. “Too much” is NOT on her dictionary!

“Too Many Feelings”
Digtal art

Cherishing any intense, overwhelming emotions, one page at a time.

Digtal art

A perfect depiction of my mind is; a complete jumble of random thoughts all at once—full of many things, pure chaos.

  🎉 View the gallery of MIF2024’s participating illustrators here  🎉 See you September 13-15 2024 !