Alyssa Babasa

Name:  Alyssa Babasa
Location: Quezon City, Philippines
Occupation: Illustrator
Media: Digital, gouache
Dream Projects: Editorial Illustration Food and Beverage Illustration Album Design/Illustration Educational Illustration for non-profit organizations Art Books

Alyssa Babasa is an illustrator and art director from Quezon City. Her work is inspired by observing people and the communities in her hometown and painting these narratives as an outsider. She also likes to explore the spaces we inhabit and questions what constitutes a home. Her more personal work oscillates between the desire to grow up and to stay young.


A personal piece drawn from female loneliness and the claustrophibic familiarity of a place despite the desire to stay put and simply rot.


Inspired by an abandoned overpass in Manila. These bridges are often covered in grime, ads, and political posters that fade due to the passage of time, replaced by new ones with the same empty promises.


Sampaloc is an interpretation of Tahanan Bistro’s sampalok dessert. It is inspired by my childhood memories at my grandparents’ house and all the food and warmth that I associate with the place. After a savory meal, the promise of dessert brings reminds me of the extended time I spend with my family.

  🎉 View the gallery of MIF2024’s participating illustrators here  🎉 See you September 13-15 2024 !