Manila Illustration Fair is a non-profit project with the mission to open an inclusive, safe, and empowering space for illustrators. 

The fair is an opportunity for illustrators to not only showcase their works, but more importantly to make both personal and professional connections. With the ever-present need for community, we’re hoping the fair can celebrate the act of learning from and making space for each other.

All illustrators of any background are welcome to apply, attend, and participate. A diversity of voices and backgrounds is integral to growing a community.

We acknowledge that the illustration industry is largely centralized in Metro Manila, so to make sure the event is more accessible, we’re waiving the table fee for Filipino illustrators outside the capital.

We also acknowledge the important capacity of art and illustration to be in dialogue with and respond to present socio-economic contexts. We aim to foster a space that situates itself against any forms of oppression, bigotry, and abuse. Illustration can work in tandem with building positive, progressive social change both in and outside our communities, and we invite you to do so.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there and learning from you!

We’re looking forward to seeing you there and learning from you!
  🎉 View the gallery of MIF2024’s participating illustrators here  🎉 See you September 13-15 2024 !